Yes. I agree that the monarchy can really help in creating kind of governance. And I think some of the discussion about changing the law to permit the abdication of the emperor is an indication of that. But the other thing that I think really is important is institutionally strengthening the kantei.
Yes, yes. When I was just - parenthetically, I saw an interesting comment that Winston Churchill made. And he said that, if the United States at the Versailles treaty, Versailles, the negotiations that led to the Versailles treaty at the end of World War I, if the United States had not insisted on the end of the Hohenzollern and Habsburg dynasties, the monarchies in Germany and Austria, and turning those two countries into republics, Churchill said, we would never have had the Second World War, so.
Because you look at the situation in the U.S. today in contrast the situation in Japan or in Britain, where the monarchy is genuinely loved by practically everybody that half of the U.S. hates its president.